Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"This Book is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold on me." –Martin Luther

Words seem so inadequate to describe the wonder of the Bible. Some men of the church have started a Bible study on Wednesday mornings. We come together and read, giving room for any or all to share their thoughts, encouragement, even frustrations. Every week we have found Him true again. We draw near to Him and we are met and ministered to by Him drawing near to us.

Reading through 1 Peter has truly laid hold of my heart. It is devastatingly adverse to me to rejoice through struggle and trial, though wrongly accused or harshly spoken to, but oh the depth found in those pages. The truth and strength that I have been able to taste by just striving to fulfill His word. What a wonder!

"Nobody ever outgrows scripture; the Book widens and deepens with our years" –Charles Haddon Spurgeon

1 comment:

Rhonda and Danny Kennedy said...

Jason ~

Enjoyed your post this morning! I think that's great the men have started this bible study. Since I've been back to college, I usually go to IHOP for breakfast and study for my exams. Every Thursday, there is a group of men that come in and study the word. It's nice to see godly men open their word of God and allow God to interpret for them the meaning of the word. You know, you can never get enough of God. Special Kudos to those men!


About Me

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Every now and then I get amazed that God still loves me and speaks to me. And sometimes I still get a little surprised that I married Julie Jones.