Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Lover of My Soul

I am alone tonight. Julie is at Texas Music Educators Association in San Antonio. I can't wait to with her when I travel to meet her tomorrow, but my thoughts trailed tonight...

I am in love with Jesus. It is a love that cannot be anything other than real. A love that changes everything about me. A love that at sometimes hurts so much. A love that thirsts for time speant and nearness felt. And a love that feels the warmth and beauty of love returned.

I wonder about this Lover of My Soul. I wonder why He does certain things. Why He omits specific actions or answers. I wonder why He loves me. I sometimes wonder how He is showing it. And then day breaks. The sun shines down on a flower's pedal or a dancing leave in the wind and I see His hand. Not to say I know the answers to all my questions. But, I feel again His nearness. I get lost again in His company. I see His gifts poured out in my life and I fall in love again. Deeper and deeper in love with my Jesus, the Lover of My Soul.

1 comment:

Karla said...

Beautiful post, Jason.

So... does this mean we might get to at least see a glimpse of you/y'all when you travel through Austin - coffee, lunch, dinner - something?!!

Love y'all!

About Me

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Every now and then I get amazed that God still loves me and speaks to me. And sometimes I still get a little surprised that I married Julie Jones.