Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Go Fish

When those who are called to fish don't fish, they fight.
When energy intended to be used outside is used inside, the result is explosive.  Instead of casting nets, we cast stones.  Instead of extending helping hands, we point accusing fingers.  Instead of being fishers of the lost, we become critics of the saved.  Rather than helping the hurting, we hurt the helpers.
The result?  Church Scrooges.  "Bah humbug" spirituality.  Beady eyes searching for warts on others while ignoring the warts on their nose below.  Crooked fingers that bypass strenths and point out weaknesses.
Split churches.  Poor testimonies, Broken hearts. Legalistic wars.
And sadly, poor go unfed, confused go uncounseled, and lost go unreached.
When those who are called to fish don't fish, they fight.
But note the other side of the boat:  When those who are called to fish, fish - they flourish!
Nothing handles a case of gripes like an afternoon service project.  Nothing restores perspective better than a visit to a hospital ward.  Nothing unites soldiers better than a common task or a relentless foe.
Leave soldiers inside their barracks with no time on the front line and see what happens to their attitude.  The soldiers will invent things to complain about.  Bunks will be too hard.  Food wil be too cold.  Leadership will be too tough.  The company will be too stale.  Yet place those same soldiers in the trench and let them duck a few bullets, and what was a boring barrack will seem like a haven.  The beds will feel great.  The food will be almost ideal.  The leadership will be courageous.  The company will be exciting.
When those who are called to fish, fish - they flourish.  Go fish!

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Every now and then I get amazed that God still loves me and speaks to me. And sometimes I still get a little surprised that I married Julie Jones.