Saturday, February 14, 2009

Every year on the week of Valentines Texas Music Educators Association holds their annual conference in San Antonio. Last year we started a tradition I think we wont soon abandon. Julie attended the conference while I worked and Friday afternoon flew down to be with her.

This year we did the same and it was such a blessing to me. We got a great rate on the Double Tree hotel where we ordered in room service and spent the night enjoying each other's company.

In the Love Dare I found a list of 20 questions for your spouse and I think we got through 6. :) It is such a blessing to be married to someone that I can talk to. God is so good.
Afterwards we joined my Uncle David Ouellette and his wonderful family and will go to church with them tomorrow and continue a great time. Julie even got to meet my cousins Candy and Darren Murphy who were visiting from the pitiful state of Illinois :)

I will miss being at home and seeing God move, but my heart will be there. Happy Valentines!

1 comment:

Gene Holley said...

Glad you are enjoying your time together and still in love after "all these years!" :) You make a great couple.

About Me

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Every now and then I get amazed that God still loves me and speaks to me. And sometimes I still get a little surprised that I married Julie Jones.