Thursday, March 22, 2007

In the morning...

There is just something to be said of rising early in the morning. I know I don't love sleep as much as some. My lovely bride, my honorable brother... they seem to study sleep and know it well. I kind of feel like I enjoy it as much as the next guy. I do enjoy it enough to have a hard time getting up, but I love to meet with Him in the morning. I love to read His word, and I find meeting with Him early is different than my time in the evening.

I love this painting. I don't know if it's morning or evening, but I think it beautifully speaks of the times when Jesus would find solitude and pray. I hope your mornings find as much of Him as possible.


Misty said...

Beautiful words and beautiful picture. Who is the artist of this one?

jay5in said...

The Painting is called "In the Wilderness" and it's by Ron DiCianni. He was a very popular Christian painter a few years back. His most popular piece was called "Forgiven", it pictured a man torn and tattered, holding a hammer and nails. The man was weak and being held up by Jesus.

bouellette said...

very beautiful

Gene Holley said...

I agree about the morning prayer time vs. evening. I wish I loved mornings - I do have to get up and go for it - but I wish I LOVED getting up. Once I am up, it is great! Great thought and picture.

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Every now and then I get amazed that God still loves me and speaks to me. And sometimes I still get a little surprised that I married Julie Jones.